Hillbilly Hill Series

Hillbilly Hill Series
1st six to complete the series.

Thursday, March 06, 2014

First event of 2014...Surf n Turf Challenge...

SurfOverTurf is the first event of the three event HH series this year...March 15 4 pm from Ziegler...party after...racers and fans welcome.
Three options:
1.  Full course...
Ride from Chris Ziegler house on Norumbega to the Twin Springs Entrance of Overturf trail (second entrance)  drop bike and run back down same fireroad to the gate (first entrance Overturf) run up Overturf and back to bike (don't over shoot and run to Deer Park Cabin like some did last year).  Get on bike and high tail it back to Chris house.

2.  Run only...Run up from Chris house to first entrance overturf....up overturf...exit Twin Springs to fireroad...back down fireroad to Chris house...see below.

3.  Bike only...
From Chris go to White Saddle...back to Chris house.  Easier version: Deer Park entrance (Bathroom entrance to Overturf a quarter mile past Twin Springs entrance)

These three courses should get us all back within an hour or two for post event festivities.....

See posts and pics of past events on main site, or check http://hillbillyhill.blogspot.com/ for last years and past events.
As always, all encouraged to participate, number one goal is to get people out in nature, running, biking, and challenging themselves.....fans, friends and frollickers welcome, the Ziegler Ranch is the place to be March 15th to participate ...or to party!!!!

Hillbilly Hill Adventure Series 2014-2015
1. SurfOverturf  March 15, 4 pm from Zieglers
2. Hillbilly Hill (Mid June) From Trevor's
3. Weaver to White Saddle (Early November) From Weavers
Do all three to drink from the HH Cup and pose for the picture of the Hillbilly Series Photo with cup!!!  For those who like to "race"...to get name on the cup, you must compete in all three....scoring is based on finished place on each race, based only on those who do all three....and total time.

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