Hillbilly Hill Series

Hillbilly Hill Series
1st six to complete the series.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Hillbilly Hill IV Recap

Another year, another great race!!!!

Fun times guys!!!

Thanks to all Top Guns for coming out!!!

Here's the recap.

The gang arrives ready to race.

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Trevor gives a speech about the dangers of Mother Bear and her cubs and the recently sighted Mutant Hillbillies.

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Understanding backyard special events can be critical to a victory.

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Trevor rambles on about special tests...but nobody really listens.

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The Race Crew prepares for high speed transitions;

one small glitch, they take off with everyones bike shoes before they get back from run...
...thankfully, Paul mad-dogs it back after he realizes the error, but too late for Jim who is battling for the lead with Murph, Jim pulls out his Iron Man skills and rides the dreaded 5 mile HillBilly Hill with running shoes and clip-in pedals.

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Dakotah wonders why Paul is filling some shoes with rocks and if he'll ask her to listen to his songs for the hundreth time.

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Murph powers down waterfall run with a narrow lead, but confidence high.

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Jim's hot on his tail, confident he'll be flying once he clicks into biking shoes waiting for him, safe and sound at transition area...

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Trevor's Cherokee Indian blood show's in his eyes as he gains ground with a mad gallop down the trail.

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Danny begins seizures that last nearly half the race, eyes showing the first symptoms of West Nile Virus.

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Don and Michael hit the transition area, change to running shoes, ready to scramble up the trail to the beautiful Monrovia waterfalls.

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MegaMel takes a self-portrait while hanging at the falls, despite enjoying the scenery, he maintains a strong 5th place.

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Don and Michael find a second wind and charge Mountain Lion gulch.

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Danny recovers from seizures and powers up Hillbilly Hill.

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Trev goes Evil Kenevil and gains ground on the leaders, Murph and Jim.

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Vic and Jim power-on with a smile.

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Meanwhile, MegaMel maintains 5th position without breaking a sweat, all while relaxing under the hot breath of devil-hounds, mocking them by sitting under their warning sign, and then completing a survey by an Eco Freako Commy Fruitcake...who is this guy?

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Dakotah argues with Murph, who insists he's finished after only 10 laps, Dakotah slaps him around and he does one more, gaining victory.

Jim finishes close behind for second, and Trevor's a couple of laps behind for third.

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Trev relaxes while MegaMel finishes strong.

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Don and Vic prepare for special tests and adventure laps.

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Murph and Trev pose with high dollar trophies and custom painted HillBilly Hill Champion's sign.

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Well boys, fun times, we really appreciate you all coming out, we enjoy hanging and riding with you guys. We hope to see you all again next year. Three racers are eligible for FIVE YEAR GOLD STATUS when archived on the Champion's sign: Vic, Trevor, and Danny. HillBilly Hill V will be the best one yet!

See ya' on the trails,

Trevor Danny