Hillbilly Hill Series

Hillbilly Hill Series
1st six to complete the series.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

HillBilly Hill 6!!!!!

Another great year, another great race!

Congrats to returning Champion, Chris, he defended is title as King Hillbilly with relative ease, finishing in 1:07.

But the line-up got shaken up with the return of Jim after a year absence, and new-comber, Toby showing strong.

Trev turned it up a notch this year, slamming the downhills, taking the lead over Jim, and entered the pool with a two lap lead, but Aquaman grew flippers, and ate up the lead with ease, both Trev and Jim passed up the rookie Toby, who battled it out with the watery depths, and Jim and Trev fought to the finish, sharing second place, at 1:10

Toby fought the demons of the watery depths, and despite entering the pool in second, fell to third, but a great rookie season effort, with a time of 1:13

Due to exhaustion, I forgot to get the camera out, so limited photos this year, with the early departures getting no film time...next year, stay longer fellas.

Danny seemed a bit delirious often talking to people who were not there.

At this point, Danny began to see bats.....

A minor road burn from a racer running over Fred.

Finally...after a long year of teaching, and a long race...some R&R.

Wayde feeling good after a great ride.

Rookie brothers, Fred and Roger, finished strong!!!

The road crew, Dakotah and Sully, took some time for play after the ride to watch bikes and shoes.

He's a guitar hero, got stars in his eyes!!!!

Well, guys, we had a blast, we hope you all did as well, and we're looking forward to next year.

Never too soon to start training, let this race be the start, not the end, to your training cycle, once again, thanks for coming out!

Trevor and Danny

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


It’s the same race as last year.

Where: Trev’s house-441 Norumbega Dr. Monrovia
When: Sat. June 30th Check-in 5pm…Start 5:30pm (race takes 1-2 hours)
What: A race of a good time.
5 mi. bike over Hillbilly Hill
2mi. run to waterfalls
13 adventure laps in the pool
and special tests

Call Trev at 323-533-1125 or Danny at 626-485-5456 (or better yet, leave a reply to the “He’s waiting for you post.” On the blog) to reserve a space.

No more than 20 racers! No chicks! No support team! No fan support!...Just fun!

As much as we love the kids, to keep crowd down, stress low, and freedom high, only racers, and must be over 18 to participate. (Exception for Trevor's, since they live there. :))

New Developments…
Pack your own gear…no support this year, really means no support…If you want to use bike shoes, then carry or plant your own, bikes will need to be ditched a bit up trail for safety, but should be fine, bring a lock if you're worried.

No high tech prizes or supplies provided, only the famous trophies that you don't get to keep. Post race party is BYOB and bring 5 bucks for pizza!